Saturday, December 25, 2010

What a fantastic family day!

I am such a proud Mom!  Christmas has historically been very hard on Mac.  She's been known to unwrap presents "accidentally" and such...........which led to years of not putting her presents under the tree until about 3 a.m. Christmas morning.  Well, this year was amazing!  We put her presents out almost a full four days before the BIG DAY!  And she stayed out of them, for the most part!  We did allow her to unwrap one smallish present each day for each day she stayed away from the tree!  What a success!

Today was awesome!  Mac had made something for each person in the family during her sculpting sessions.  She made Bumpa a glazed coffee mug complete with designs and green and white MSU colors, Nana got the most awesome Frog Prince Charming!  Brit got a picture of Priscilla, I got a "generic" girl picture (which looks curiously of Mac with longer hair), Amy got a hand print, daddy got a Hot Air Balloon!! (two parts), and on and was so fun!

Amy gave everyone the neatest finds from all the thrifting places she and Tommy (Chelsie's BF) go and all the presents received were given with love!  Most of Mac's stash consisted of clothing, books and art supplies.  We really tried to use recycled, re-used and re-purposed gifts.  The focus was on home made and not much money spent.  I think we all succeeded.  Even Barb was amazed at the gift Wes got her (wink, wink-which means I picked out).

We also didn't have a traditional meal.  I made sloppy joe's and Den made potato soup and we had LOTS of was such a nice, warm, relaxing day!  Great to see Brit and everyone.  Great to just chill out and relax.

I am so blessed that Mac took such care in making her gifts and that took precedence over worrying about what SHE received.  What blessings!  I am so glad to have this family, this day and these memories!

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